Thursday, June 12, 2014

When Social Media Goes Wrong: Sheneka Adams Posts a Domestic Violence Photo



Yesterday Sheneka Adams posted a picture on her instagram of abuse face where she was showing her support to domestic violence.  Of course things went wrong. 

Well  you had people along with bloggers questioning whether or not did she actually get abuse by her boyfriend Jacob of York. 


Instead of leaving the picture there and explaining why she had a abuse face she deletes it.  Sheneka need to realize she has a platform along with a voice that by having that one picture could had been put to good use.

There are so many people out here that are being abuse that they are scare to let anyone know. 

Back to the subject of this post.  Well one blogger @teaspiller_ put her on blast. 

Here is Sheneka Adams response:

“See this is the type of crap that makes me so angry. People like this who have no life that spread unnecessary rumors for no apparent reason. This is why I deleted the picture because I knew some dumb ass idiot would take it and make false accusations. This is very hurtful, I was only showing my support for those abused and affected by domestic violence, WHICH IS A SERIOUS PROBLEM AND IT'S NOTHING TO JOKE ABOUT. I can't believe how disgusting people can be. Please report this fake page because it seems like their mission is to seek out people and hurt them smh -@teaspiller__